E-commerce Content Writing

How to Use E-commerce Content Writing to Grow Your E-commerce Business?

  • Categories: blog Business
  • Written By: Torjoman
  • Date: November 29, 2021

The e-commerce industry is beyond booming in the Middle East and North Africa region. In terms of volume, it has grown from $18.6 billion in 2016, to $41.5 billion in 2021, with an expectation of growth to at least $49 billion in 2022.

The annual growth of the e-commerce market in the MENA region is higher than Europe and Asia, with huge investments and plenty of opportunities. According to VISA, the e-commerce market in the MENA region is the second fastest growing market in the world. Furthermore, In 2020, 47% of consumers expected to shop more frequently in 2021, according to statistics by Google.

With e-commerce growing, the opportunities of online marketing are growing as well, and this means the competition becomes harder every year. However, there is still big room to compete, and one of the areas of online marketing that is still to show its potential is e-commerce content writing and Search Engine Optimization.

The way people consume content has evolved, with a huge amount of online content being produced by brands including e-commerce ones. This content is being consumed daily and even forming a large portion of the web at the moment.

The role of e-commerce content writing is to put content that people would like to consume in front of them, to build trust and boost brand awareness.

How can you use e-commerce content writing to create new opportunities? What is exactly that you need to share? Those are the questions we are answering here.

What is e-commerce content writing about?

Content writing for e-commerce websites is about understanding buyers, and creating informative content that helps them find answers for questions they have.

This content is often published on a company’s product descriptions, web pages and blog. This content is found by people searching Google and other search engines and social media. The content needs to be optimized for search engines through best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices.

Beside this content driving traffic to an e-commerce business website and contributing to sales, the main purpose of the content published is to offer information to potential consumers, in order to earn their trust and boost their awareness of the brand.

What to do to deliver valuable content with e-commerce content writing?

There are many aspects that relate to delivering high-value content for your e-commerce brand. Here are some of the main ones.

Understand what your customers need

You can publish great content and still get negligible to no results. That’s because this great content is not what your specific potential customers would like. They aren’t interested in the topics you publish at all.

So before creating any piece of content, you need to know what your potential customers are searching for. This can be done by conducting keyword research, which reveals what terms people use on search engines, and how many people search every term.

Knowing what they search for, you know that this topic is one they are interested in, and that search engines will know when to show your content to users. The content production can now start, with e-commerce content writing focused on the keywords people search for.

Don’t ignore you website experience

As much as the quality of your content matters, the design of your e-commerce website and its blog also matter. The smallest details can impact the user experience, and if a user is frustrated by a slow loading page or any other issue, they won’t hesitate to leave your website in a second. There are always many options.

So while you need great content, you also need a fast and easy-to-use website that impresses users and makes them spend as much time as possible consuming your blog content.

Develop a strategy and use SEO

Having a strategy that is based on SEO when getting an e-commerce content writing service is crucial. This is because a full understanding of the opportunities can help in defining priorities. The investment in a certain topic, based on a specific keyword, can be prioritized over another.

Integrate visual content

Visual elements enhance user engagement with your content. Using videos and images can make your content easier to consume, as well as more rich. Infographics are also very beneficial, as they are highly shareable on social media platforms, helping you spread at no extra cost.

Final thoughts

E-commerce content writing can be a service you want for your e-commerce business, as it can help you in reaching potential customers organically and at much lower costs compared to paid ads. Having a great website, using SEO and producing valuable content can all help you in achieving your goals.

Torjoman is a leading translation and content writing in the MENA region. If you want a growth-oriented e-commerce content writing service, we can help you with strategy, content production and optimization. Get in touch with us to learn more.

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