Low Budget Marketing Tactics by Torjoman Translation Services

9 Explosive Low Budget Marketing Tactics for Your Busines

  • Categories: Localization
  • Written By: Torjoman
  • Date: May 23, 2019

It is said that one needs to spend money in order to make money and that is certainly very true for marketing. But it doesn’t mean you have to have a huge budget to market your business effectively. Thanks to the internet, you can adopt smart marketing tactics and implement them well enough to reap mind-blowing marketing benefits for your business.

A good and holistic marketing strategy is much more important than a big marketing budget. If you have a solid marketing strategy that takes care of all aspects of your business then you can definitely bet on seeing an increase in market share, sales growth and popularity in your target customers.

Here are the 9 most effective, smart and low budget marketing tactics that you must include in your marketing strategy to take your business to the top!

Breathe Life Into Old Data

With a tight marketing budget, you may not be able to afford good content writers and marketers for your website or blog. Instead of developing new content, why not give new life to old data that is already available on the web? There are so many studies, researches and authentic stats available that could get you the traction you are looking for. You can simply select those studies which relate to your industry and use it smartly for your business. You can highlight the relevant and interesting parts of the research, make some charts, add animations or images and give your own two cents over the data and predict future trends. Make sure you give sources and cite references.

Create and Distribute Videos

This is the age of video content without a doubt. Look at the most viral videos on the internet. Not all of them were shot from expensive cameras with a high salaried cast and crew. Most viral videos had one thing in common: an irresistible concept. You just have to be very creative in making and distributing videos on the internet and social media which promote your business directly or indirectly. Creating something out of the box for global marketing can be challenging but it is not expensive at all! Look for ideas and inspiration and think about how you can capture the interest of your target audience with a video. Make a storyboard and plan how you will shoot it. Put the most creative brains in your team together for this.

Generate Useful Content with Infographics

The attention time of an average internet user is not more than 3 seconds. This means the user has to find something interesting before he decides to invest more time into reading an article or watching a video. The best way to grab attention is to show useful and relevant content with an infographic for global marketing. Let’s be honest, looking at a well-designed infographic with stats, precise headings and self-explanatory graphics are much more interesting than reading a page full of text. You can create relevant and useful infographic related to your industry, business or product for your users to read and remember.

Use a Referral Program

The age of the internet and social media has promoted interactions between customers and businesses. This means that people look for “social proof” and believe it more than the marketing content by the brand or business itself. If your friend tells you about a product you are twice as likely to believe him/her and will be willing to try it as opposed to reading about the same product over the internet. That is the power of social proof and that is why businesses have come up with fantastic referral programs. Referral program refers to your customer earning a certain amount of profit or a reward on referring your product to more people. Having a referral program is a very cheap marketing tactic that can bring in unbelievable results.

Invest in Email Marketing

Social media is full of advertisements that are showering people’s feeds and essentially drowning all relevant messages in the ‘noise’. If you’re looking to reach out to your customers directly and cheaply, you should invest in email marketing. Keeping an email short, interesting with relevant links can get you direct conversions. It is not expensive at all and you can keep retargeting your highest converting customers.

Another good reason why businesses choose to invest in email marketing is that they can target a larger pool of potential customers by sending very specific and targeted emails in bulk which can be scheduled as often as liked. If the customers are interested, they can reply back instantly and you can simply call them over the phone or invite them for a meeting. This sort of direct interaction is not easily achieved in any other form of online marketing.

Email marketing also gives you a likely chance to have a high ROI. Since email marketing is cheap, you can keep building your high-converting audience to the list which will give you a break-even quickly and a high ROI after that.

Improve Customer Engagement with Your Website

Website is the stamp to your online presence. It is a must-have platform for any business that is hoping to succeed online with a low marketing budget. A website with user-friendly interface, layout, clear photography, good content and relevant information can do wonders for your business. You can also include a blog on your website and track the number of people visiting you. You can also earn through Google Ads if your website generates a certain amount of traffic. Another great thing about having a website is that you can target the whole world with it. It helps with global marketing.

For a very low cost, you can translate and localize your website for multiple global markets which you think will be interested in buying your product. Going global open up streams of multiple revenues for your business! Partnering with an experienced localization company can help take your website global with marketing translation services. If you use tools like CAT and Translation Memory in your localization project, you can cut your cost even more. Torjoman is an excellent choice when it comes to website localization and marketing translation services in a low budget. Our 25 years of experience and the talented team of translators who understand marketing and are linguistic authorities in multiple languages can ensure your project becomes a big success.

Get Involved in Groups and Forums

Online communities are a great way to introduce your products and services. You can find very relevant groups, online communities and forums that are related to your business sector and product. Exchanging useful information, answering questions and helping people solve problems are some of the ways to participate in these forums. They also give you a chance to talk to people of interest directly. All this costs absolutely nothing!

Run an Online Contest

Brands and businesses do really well when they run an online competition and contest with one goal in mind: to get user-generated content. Asking customers to participate in contest using your products in one way or the other can generate a lot of authentic pictures, videos, articles, referrals and content that you can reuse in the future to promote ‘social proof’. This also excites your customers and is a great marketing tactic.

Social Media Marketing

Being present and active on social media is one of the best marketing tactics today. It is also low cost. Showing your products, offers and services with user-generated content can get you huge traction on social media and a chance to go viral if you play your marketing cards right. It is also free publicity without spending any money!

Implementing these low-cost marketing tactics won’t blow your marketing budget out of proportion but will give you a competitive edge over others.

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