Ad Localization

How Ad Localization Optimizes Your Global Reach

  • Categories: Localization
  • Written By: Torjoman
  • Date: February 21, 2023

If you have a marketing tactic to reach a new audience, you should take into consideration that addressing the culture of your audience is crucial for the success of your ad campaigns in the target markets.

Your slogan in the target market decides the success or failure of your brand. Thus, literal translation will never work if you plan to approach global audiences since every market has its unique features that you have to adjust your marketing ads accordingly. Ad localization guarantees and bolster the international audience’s acceptance of your brand and entices them to make a purchase.

In this blog, we will mention the most famous brand pitfalls in international markets and how ad localization helps you conform to international clients. Before we dive into this, let’s first explain the meaning of ad localization and how to do it effectively.

What is Ad Localization?

 It is the adaptation of any advertising content including text, tonality, images, design, and layout to appeal to the language, culture, and any nuances of the target audience using transcreation.

Ad localization needs more flexibility and requires you to leave aside any old marketing concepts and make a room for some creativity. Torjoman provides high-quality localization services whatever the size of your project. With our 25 years of experience in translation and localization, we ensure that your localized content will meet the expectations of your target audience.

Although some international brands have remarkable achievements in many global markets, they were victims of some translation blunders that turned into their fiascos in many target markets.

The following are some of them:


Proctor & Gamble failed to address the Japanese culture when they first introduced their diaper with an image of a stork delivering a baby which confused Japanese parents as this does not exist in their folklore. The true Japanese imaginary story is a giant floating peach bringing babies to awaiting parents. The lesson learnt from this is that thorough research into the Japanese culture had not been done at the beginning. Quickly, the company realized the mistake.


When Ford decided to sell its Pinto in the Brazilian market, they did not notice that “Pinto” means something embarrassing in Brazilian slang. They quickly removed it when they noticed the drawback of sales and changed the name to “Corcel” which means “horse.”

American Airlines

When the company took the initiative to market its first-class seats, it took the slogan “Fly in Leather” which grabbed the attention of English customers, however; it got off the wrong foot when translated into Spanish and provoked the laughter of the Spanish people when the slogan is literally translated to “Vuela en Cuero” which means “fly naked.”

KFC “Eat Your Fingers”!

When KFC opened its franchise in China, they translated the slogan “Finger-licking good” to “Eat Your Fingers off” in Chinese.

Coca-cola “female horse fastened with wax”!

When Coca-cola first opened in China, Chinese shopkeepers created a brand name out of the Chinese characters “ko-ka-ko-la” which looks similar to the original name but its meaning did not make any sense as it is translated as “female horse fastened with wax” or “Bite the Wax Tadpole”.

How to Maintain an Effective Ad Localization?

Before you decide to localize your ad, have a look at the following tips that help you make the most out of ad localization.

Make your Ad International

Considering the target cultures when creating your original ad will save both time and cost and accelerate the localization process. Apple Macintosh, for instance, used a unified global video ad that is suitable for different countries.

Know Your Audience

Before you introduce your product to a target market, you have to conduct an extensive research study on the culture of this market including their preferred colors, designs, and any visual preferences.

Collaborate with Your Localization Team

When you send your ad to be localized, you have to make it clear which requirements you need. In addition, you should provide the team with any information about the brand and discuss with them which creative ways will be fruitful for a specific market.

Get the Advice of a Local Expert

Before launching your ad, you have to take the advice of someone from the target market. He/she understands well which appeals and which does not.

To sum up, every ad localization process whether the ad is a video or any kind of digital or paid advertising has its own unique features that do not fit every target audience. Hence, tailoring your ad for each market is essential for the global success of your business.

Torjoman’s team of professionals can deal with any type of ad localization and help you engage quickly with your target customers.

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