importance of translation

Translation Services Fuel The Global Economy

  • Categories: blog Business
  • Written By: Torjoman
  • Date: September 16, 2020

Today’s global economy is powered by translation services. International trade can only be achieved through connections which are formed on both a linguistic and cultural level. The importance of translation goes beyond simply changing texts from one language to another. They create mutual understandings, promote knowledge sharing, help to forge relationships, and make information accessible, all on a global scale.

The Importance of Translation

As businesses go global, they also need to stay local. Research shows that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work in international business; consumers prefer personalized products and services that feel local to them. 

A 2020 report found that 65% of people “prefer content in their own language” and that 40% of consumers won’t “buy-in other languages”. This filters through to all aspects of international business. Whether it’s for B2B or B2C sales, employee training, or new partnerships, the importance of translation cannot be overstated.

Below, we have highlighted key examples of areas in which translation services are vital for the global economy.

Educational Translation: The Link Between Translation and Knowledge

Education companies, schools and e-learning platform creators have the opportunity to share their resources with students and teachers from around the globe. Educational translations can be complex, requiring precision and accuracy at all times. Without high-quality translation, meanings are lost and the academic value of content decreases significantly.

Educational content can take any number of forms. Everything from voice overs to lesson plans to interactive quizzes need to be translated in order to make an impression on learners. Projects can be vast and time-consuming. Once the content is successfully translated, companies can access foreign markets. 

In 2019, Torjoman undertook a two million-word project for the largest educational institution in UAE. The institution required translations on the subjects of math and chemistry, in a mixture of formats, including desktop publishing, video content and written lessons. The translated lessons generated very positive feedback, demonstrating the power of translation for education companies.

Marketing and Communications: How Translation Services Boost Engagement

According to a recent article by Forbes, “90% of U.S. consumers find marketing personalization very or somewhat appealing”. Marketing personalization can take many forms, from individual suggestions based on user activity to adaptations for local languages and cultures. The latter falls under the remit of professional translation services, who can localize content and help businesses to engage customers abroad. This is a strategy adopted by successful brands worldwide.

Localization is the process of adapting a product or service so that it is appropriate for the new locale on a cultural and linguistic level. Once localized, content is more likely to resonate with the target audience. Adaptations include:

  • including correct currencies
  • changing units of measurement
  • adapting layout
  • modifying imagery
  • conforming to local laws and regulations

The Tourism Industry: Translating for Travel

Tourism is one of the linchpins of the global economy. In 2019, the industry generated 2.9 trillion U.S. dollars for the global economy. On a local scale, a 2020 report showed that over 29 million workers in China and 27.5 million workers in India were employed in the travel and tourism industry alone.

The importance of translation can be seen throughout the industry. On a basic level, translation renders locales accessible for foreign-language tourists. This makes the area an attractive destination, but also provides opportunities for local businesses to engage with tourists at each stage of their trip.

Torjoman recently had the exciting opportunity to work on translations for a tourism website based in The Middle East. The live website was localized and translated into three different languages simultaneously, with each translation uploaded directly to the website upon completion. This meant that tourists and travelers were able to access important information and learn about the region.

Language Services: a Global Phenomenon

Translation services have a connection with almost every industry in the world. From creative marketing campaigns to precise legal documents, experts can transform content for international audiences, wherever they are located.

At Torjoman, we have over 26 years of experience in translation and localization. Our specialist linguists are native speakers in their working languages and pride themselves in producing top-quality work. Send us a message to find out how we can assist with your next project.

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