Interpretation services in Dubai

Our language interpretation helps you navigate in Dubai’s multilingual business opportunities

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Dubai is not just a fantastic place for tourism; it is a great place to bring world leaders, businessmen and corporations together for constructive dialogue and conferences. Due to globalization, businesses are expanding beyond borders very quickly which means if you need a successful professional relationship with an international entity or want to attend an important conference– you must get past the language barrier! Our interpretation services in Dubai can help you with that.

interpretation services dubai

Top Quality Interpretation Services Dubai

Whether it is a business conference, an academic dialogue or any urgent appointment in Dubai, we offer interpretation services for all. We have 25,000 hours of interpreting delivered every year in more than 100 languages. Our extensive experience in interpretation services Dubai has allowed us to establish a huge network of subject matter expert interpreters who can assist you in communicating confidently, clearly in any environment and given situation.

We are prudent in matching the strengths of our interpreters to each job and assignment. Our interpreters are matched according to the specific industry experience, linguistic ability (to the point of right dialect!) and technical skills. All our interpreters are certified professionals in their specialist language and fields. Our team works closely with you to make sure your requirements, environments and your audiences are understood before you are matched with one of our relevant and talented interpreters.

In our interpretation services, we ensure that Multilanguage conferences, meetings or appointment are only done by linguist experts who understand the topic and have proper command over languages being used. We guarantee that our interpreters are trained to work under pressure and can quickly comprehend the message and translate it for the target audience quite accurately. Our experts understand the different dialects of languages so that the message is interpreted in a way the source intended it to be received.

What can we Interpret?

Our Dubai interpreting services are offered in all formats including simultaneous, consecutive, telephone, conference and sign language. Not sure which interpretation service you require? To help you decide, here is a short explanation of each one we offer.

  • Consecutive interpretation
    This interpretation is often used in small meetings where the speaker delivers a complete note and then waits for the interpreter to deliver the same note in the translated language.
    This task requires the interpreter to carefully listen to and remember a large amount of translation. Our interpreters have exceptional linguistic and interpersonal skills to complete this task successfully without missing out on any point. Where can you use this kind of interpretation? It can be needed during court hearings, workshops, medical and legal appointments, interviews, press conferences and business meetings,


  • Simultaneous Interpretation
    This type of interpretation is offered for large scale conferences where more than two languages are required. It is a skilled task which requires the interpreter to have the appropriate subject matter experience and technical understanding to quickly interpret the conversation. Usually interpreters are in an isolated booth and they listen to the speaker through a headset after which they speak the translation into a microphone. It wirelessly transmits to headsets worn by the audience. We also offer the required equipment for this interpretation.


  • Face to Face Interpretation
    Our interpreter will be at the event/location physically and will translate the message from one language into another real time. This type of interpretation is ideal in one-on-one meetings.


  • Telephone Interpretation
    Sometimes meetings take place over the phone or virtually. In such scenarios a joint conversation can take place where the speaker, interpreter and listener are involved. The speaker will speak; the interpreter will translate that for the listener to understand. To accommodate this, we have a range of interpreters who can work at different time zones within Dubai.


  • Sign Language Interpretation
    Our sign language interpreters can facilitate communication between people who are hard of hearing or deaf and people who can hear. This interpretation requires the interpreter to combine signing finger spelling, understanding body language and interpreting that into a required language by speech.

Interpreting Equipment

We offer holistic interpretation services in Dubai and so we also have a range of interpreting equipment that comes in handy for interpretation in conferences, formal settings, one-on-one meetings. The equipment we have includes but is not limited to wired microphone systems, wireless receivers and transmitters, soundproof booths.

We can suggest a suitable type of interpreting equipment according to the situation in which the interpretation is required. With us, you are guaranteed a hassle free, 100% accurate and high quality interpretation in Dubai.

Why Choose Us

Over 20+ years of working experience
Our main vision is to deliver our customers the best.

Fast Turnaround

Quality Translation

Budget Friendly

Qualified Translators

Our Achievements

We pride ourselves for our quality work and for being one of the top translation leaders in

the global industry with 23 years of solid experience.

46 Million








Area Of Expertise

We professionally translate content for
the following industries and more.

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Big numbers, lots of documents and multiple translations?
Our top performing teams deliver unmatched quality on time for you
to hit your business goals.

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